A Warm Welcome to our new Ambassador Interns!

Meet the team and projects!

At the end of April, Digital Research Services welcomes six postgraduate interns (“Digital Research Ambassadors”) to their team.

The ambassadors – postgraduate students with strong digital and computational skills – are matched with research projects across the university. They will contribute to project planning and digital skill development whilst gaining interdisciplinary research expertise.

They will be working with the host projects over the next 8 to 12 weeks on a part-time basis.

Meet the team and projects

  • Fabian Yii is doing a PhD in Precision Medicine. He will be supporting a project in the School of Health in Social Sciences, which involves upgrading an existing R Shiny app to portray research findings.
  • Dandian Yang is a PhD student in architecture, with a background in design and digital media. She will be working with a project at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, reviewing discipline-specific support needs in digital humanities.
  • Vidminas Vizgirda is a PhD student in Informatics Institute for Language, Cognition, and Communication. He will be working with the School of Engineering to help establish a metadata storage service for granular materials.
  • Donghui Xu is doing a PhD in engineering, specifically looking at long-span bridges. He will be joining a project from the Edinburgh College of Arts to help estimate air pollution from satellite data using skills in modelling and downscaling/re-gridding.
  • Liangkai Sun has a background in electrical engineering and is currently doing a MSc in Psychology of Mental Health. He will be working with pharmacists at the Hospital for Small Animals to help establish an accurate and transparent system for auditing of antimicrobial use.
  • Jenny Long is doing a MA in Design Informatics. She will be supporting the Research Facilitation Team with reviewing and redeveloping the website, adding additional functionalities and helping organise testing sessions.

The projects and outcomes will be showcased at an event after completion of the project. You can read up on previous projects here. More background on the internship scheme, including participants over the past 3 years, can be found here.

Interested in joining the ambassador scheme in future, either as an intern or a host?

  • As an intern, you will bring in data and research compute expertise, contributing to digital skill development and project planning. In addition, you will gain hands-on interdisciplinary research experience.
  • As a host, you will get support and gain new perspectives in using digital tools and services. You will develop additional dimensions to your digital research plans and inspire a new generation of researchers.

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