DataSync A file sharing service that allows working on shared data with your collaborators worldwide.
Overleaf An online LaTeX writing tool that allows you to easily create and collaborate on formatted scientific and technical documents.
Registry of Research Data Repositories - A searchable online directory of research data repositories.
Edinburgh Diamond A service provided by Edinburgh University Library that supports the publication of academic and student-led Open Access books and journals.
Research Data Support Help and advice for researchers and their data needs through all stages of a research project.
Online Software Sustainability Evaluation A free evaluation of your software to highlight any sustainability issues.
Worktribe Prepare your bid for a research project and then manage a successful bid's reporting requirements.
Statistical Accounts of Scotland Digitised and searchable versions of the Old Statistical Account and the NEW Statistical Account.
Research Professional Searchable and exportable database of research funding calls; news, and online training.
Digimap An online map and data delivery service, available by subscription to specific establishments.
Edinburgh Research Office Get support in identifying funding, crafting your application and managing your award (ER).
UK Data Service Census Support A central clearing house for UK population census data from 1971 to present.
Pure Create a record of all your research activities, data and outputs to showcase your research work.
Computer programming and experiment application help Help on programming and experiment applications for the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences.
EPCC Outreach Outreach activities and material aimed at informing the general public about supercomputers and how they are used.
Restricted file store for terrorism and extremism research Store research relating to terrorism or extremism in this secure space to adhere to UK anti-terrorism legislation.
Subversion (SVN) Keep versions and track of data, and collaboration for large centralised projects in a personal or group repository.
DMPonline Make data work for you with Data Management Plans meeting institutional funder requirements.
Research Computing Funding Checklist Helpful list of computing items to consider when applying for funding, with costs.
Resource Overview: Working with Personal Data Key resources, support and considerations to help you work with personal data.
Edinburgh International Data Facility (EIDF) A set of computational services that underpins the Data-Driven Innovation Programme.
Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA) Need a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your project report or briefing paper? Deposit your research output in ERA.
NHS Lothian Research Projects SharePoint resource Help for CMVM colleagues working with NHS Lothian data or needing to comply with the NHS Lothian Framework Agreement.
RISE framework Check the fulfilment of stakeholder expectations with the Research Infrastructure Self- Evaluation framework.
Data Asset Framework Develop processes to manage research data produced in your higher education institution.
Geospatial Consultancy Consultancy for geospatial technology applications, use and advice e.g. GIS, mapping
Software Sustainability Open Call A free service that allows you to propose joint software consultancy projects with the Software Sustainability Institute.