Clustering in Aqueous Glycine Solutions

Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Presence of nanodroplets in undersaturated aqueous glycine solutions were recently observed in experimental studies. These nanodroplets re-appeared even after careful efforts for their removal and purification of the glycine solutions. The composition of these clusters is not clear, although it has been suggested that they are mainly composed of glycine. To gain insights into this phenomenon, the aggregation of glycine in aqueous solutions at concentrations below the experimental solubility limit using large-scale molecular dynamics simulations under ambient conditions was studied. Three protonation states of glycine (zwitterion = GLZ, anion = GLA, and cation = GLC) are simulated using the OPLS (glycine) and TIP3P (water) molecular force fields.

Further information
Three protonation states of glycine

When initiated from dispersed states, it was found that giant clusters do not form (Case A1) in the simulations unless salt impurities are present (Case B1). Moreover, if simulations are initiated from a giant cluster, it was found that the cluster tends to dissolve in the absence of salt impurities (Case A2) and prefers to remain in the presence of salt impurities (Case B2).

Molecular dynamic simulations

These simulation results provide little support for the possibility that the giant clusters seen in experiments are composed purely of glycine (and water). Considering that strenuous efforts are made in experiments to remove impurities such as salt, it is proposed here that the giant clusters observed might instead result from the aggregation of reaction products of aqueous glycine, such as diketopiperazine or other oligoglycines which may be difficult to separate from glycine using conventional methods, or their co-aggregation with glycine.

Employed Research Services

"Classical molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on the Eddie cluster, using the large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator (LAMMPS) code. The LAMMPS code was compiled using Intel compiler available on Eddie. The optional “INTEL acceleration package” available in LAMMPS was included during the compilation process. This has significantly improved the simulation speed. Each molecular dynamics simulation utilised 16-core Eddie computing node for several days." (Dr Nasser Afify)

The Digital Research Services employed were the following:

  • Cloud Storage - To store all data collected during the study
  • Eddie - To conduct all the analysis

Dr Nasser Afify is Research Associate in the Institute for Materials and Processes (IMP). You can find him on ResearchGate or LinkedIn.


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