The Unix Shell - Media Hopper Playlist

Walk through videos complementing The Unix Shell Carpentry documentation

Digital skills are being increasingly demanded in all areas of knowledge, mainly where a large amount of data needs to be assessed. Therefore, the University provides many training tools to best support the researcher's needs, like online courses or guidance documentation.

Automating processes is one of the best ways to take advantage of the technology benefits. If a heavy, repetitive, timing-consuming activity can be optimized, it allows the researcher to dedicate time to other critical issues. Hence, programming skills can be powerful allies.

The command line allows the user to automate processes in a very effective way. To use it, it is necessary to learn its language, nuances, possibilities, practices and recommendations. In this sense, The Carpentries offers a documentation presenting guidance for those starting "from zero" on the command line. Some users can still find it difficult to understand and, therefore, get discouraged, as highlighted in the 2023 Digital Research Services review. Hence, the Research Facilitator team created a series of videos where the commands presented in the carpentry documentation are typed on screen. Thus, it is expected that the user can check their learning progress and validate commands are being executed correctly.

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What can you expect to learn?

  • How to download and install the shell software according to your system
  • First necessary commands to work in the shell
  • How to get help when typing a command in the shell
  • How to navigate through files and directories using the command line
  • How to create and erase files using the command line
  • How to create a loop commands
  • How to create a script to execute multiple commands
  • How to find information amongst files